Community Services and Supports (CSS) funds comprehensive mental health services for individuals and families experiencing significant emotional and psychological problems that would benefit from intensive office and field-based services.
Mental Health Service Act (MHSA) regulations require that 50% or more of the Community Services and Supports (CSS) funds be used for Full Service Partnership programs (FSPs).
Full Service Partnership (FSP) programs are designed for individuals with serious emotional disturbance (SED) or a severe mental illness (SMI) who would benefit from an intensive service program. The foundation of Full Service Partnerships is doing “whatever it takes” to help individuals on their path to recovery and wellness.
FSPs are comprised of multidisciplinary teams that engage clients with an SED or SMI who are homeless, involved with the justice system, and/or have high utilization rates of crisis psychiatric services.
Program Spotlight
The Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) program provides housing and intensive wraparound supportive services to persons who are challenged living independently in the community due to severe mental health, substance use, and incarceration issues. The Behavioral Health Court – Transitional (TrACT) program is similar in scope, but is managed by Alameda County Behavioral Court.
FACT and TrACT operate on the “Housing First” model, where partners are housed first, and then offered services on a voluntary basis. Services range from providing for basic human needs, such as food and clothing, to rehabilitative counseling, integrated medical care, and supported employment.
Served 79 partners in fiscal year 2015/16
Reduction in days in jail/psychiatric hospital.
(12 months prior as compared to 12 months after enrollment)
New enrollees connected to primary care within first 12 months
In permanent, subsidized housing in the community at lower levels of care.
Served 49 partners in fiscal year 2015/16
Reduction in days in jail.
(12 months prior as compared to 12 months after enrollment)
New enrollees connected to primary care within first 12 months
Local Programs
The following programs were developed through the CSS Community Planning Process. Each of these programs has been approved by the Ongoing Planning Council, the local stakeholder group responsible for Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Planning, and by the California State Department of Mental Health. The programs below address one of the following priorities developed in the community planning process:
Plan Requirements
The CSS Community Planning Process required local stakeholders to recognize the following parameters for this funding stream:
- All ages must be served;
- At least 51% of the funds must support Full Service Partnerships.
- Disparities in access to services for underserved populations and regions of the County must be addressed.
Full Service Partnership Programs
Alameda Connections FSP
Alameda Connections FSP is operated by Seneca Family of Agencies and serves children (0-8 yrs) and their families who are experiencing difficulties in any number of areas including: parent-child relationship problems, at risk of losing school placement, at risk of CPS involvement, and/or behavioral issues with their child. Founded on the Principles of Wraparound, Alameda Connections provides unconditional care that is family centered, individualized, culturally responsive, and strengths-based.
Seneca Family of Agencies
8750 Mountain Blvd. Oakland 94605
(510) 654-4004 | Seneca Family of Agencies (senecafoa.org)
ACBHD Contact: Laphonsa Gibbs, ACBHD Associate Child, Youth and Young Adult System of Care Director | Laphonsa.Gibbs2@acgov.org
East Bay Wrap FSP operated by Fred Finch Youth Center provides Wraparound services to youth (8-18 yrs) and their families in the community. The aim of the service is to promote wellness, self-sufficiency, and self-care/healing to youth who live in Alameda County, receive Alameda County Medi-Cal, and have met the entry criteria for services.
Fred Finch Youth and Family Services
3800 Coolidge Oakland, CA 94602
(510) 482-2244, ext. 5200 | Fred Finch Youth & Family Services | Mental Health Care | California
ACBHD Contact: Laphonsa Gibbs, ACBHD Associate Child, Youth and Young Adult System of Care Director | Laphonsa.Gibbs2@acgov.org
Homeless Outreach Stabilization Team
Multidisciplinary team engages homeless adults and links them to a range of services with a focus on community services, peer support and the means to obtain and maintain housing.
Bonita House
6333 Telegraph Ave # 102, Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 923-1099 | www.bonitahouse.org
ACBHD Contact: Kate Jones, ACBHD Division Director, Adult & Older System of Care | katherine.jones@acgov.org
Circa 60
Multidisciplinary team engages homeless seniors and provides housing with community supports. Provides linkage for family members and offers peer support.
Bay Area Community Services
559 16th Street, Oakland
(510) 271-8844 | www.bayareacs.org
ACBHD Contact: Juliene Schrick, ACBHD Director of Older Adult Services | juliene.schrick@acgov.org
Supportive Housing for TAY
Provides permanent supportive housing for youth who are homeless, are aged out of foster care, leaving the justice system or residential treatment.
Fred Finch Youth Center
3800 Coolidge Ave, Oakland, CA 94602
(510) 482-2244 | www.fredfinch.org
ACBHD Contact: Sun Hyung Lee, ACBHD Division Director Transitional Age Youth | sunhyung.lee@acgov.org
Greater HOPE
Adds housing, personal service coordination and medication capacity to existing mobile homeless outreach provider in South and East County.
Tri-City Homeless Coalition
40849 Fremont Boulevard, Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 657-7409 | www.tricityhomeless.org
ACBHD Contact: Kate Jones, ACBHD Division Director, Adult & Older System of Care | katherine.jones@acgov.org
Geographic Region of Clients Served: South County
Forensic Assertive Community Treatment
Creates a multi-disciplinary community treatment team and community support center for adults with extensive criminal justice histories or are experiencing their first or second incarceration.
Bay Area Community Services
390 40th Street , Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 653-5040 | www.bayareacs.org
ACBHD Contact: Juan Taizan, ACBH Juvenile Justice/CFS Health Services Director | Juan.Taizan@acgov.org
Transition To Independence Process
Provides services to transition-age youth who are homeless, leaving foster care or criminal justice system through a multidisciplinary “TIP” team connected with an existing CBO. U.S. Center for Mental Health Services “Best Practice.”
City of Berkeley
2180 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 981-5280
ACBHD Contact: Alexander Jackson, ACBHD Division Director, Transitional Age Youth | Alexander.Jackson@acgov.org
Transitional Behavioral Health Court ACT Team
Multi-disciplinary team and provide housing subsidies and peer counseling to individuals involved in the criminal justice system.
East Bay Community Recovery Project: www.ebcrp.org
Referral: ACCESS Line: 1.800.491.9099
Community Conservatorship (CC) and FSP 12 Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT)
Based on a recovery-centered model, AOT/CC of Alameda County is an intensive community support service and an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) for individuals with severe mental illness (SMI), many of whom would otherwise require extended care in institutional settings. AOT/CC serves individuals who are high utilizers of mental health services and who are considered to be at great risk for psychiatric hospitalization.
Social Services Agency Contact: Vanessa Baker, M.S., Program Manager, LPS-Mental Health Conservatorship Program & Adult Protective Services | VRockett@acgov.org | 510-577-1928
Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT)
Based on a recovery-centered model, AOT/CC of Alameda County is an intensive community support service and an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) for individuals with severe mental illness (SMI), many of whom would otherwise require extended care in institutional settings. AOT/CC serves individuals who are high utilizers of mental health services and who are considered to be at great risk for psychiatric hospitalization.
Telecare: http://www.telecarecorp.com/alameda-aotcc/
Referral: ACCESS Line 1.800.491.9100
ACBHD Contact: Kate Jones, ACBHD Division Director, Adult & Older System of Care | katherine.jones@acgov.org
CHANGES co-occurring recovery program serves individuals who are diagnosed with mental health and substance use issues and who are also frequent users of emergency psychiatric care utilizing an integrated approach to support individuals needing wraparound support services that fall under the Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) model, as well as individuals who qualify for intensive case management services.
Referral: ACCESS Line 1.800.491.9100
ACBHD Contact: Kate Jones, ACBHD Division Director, Adult & Older System of Care | katherine.jones@acgov.org
Alameda STRIDES is an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) program for adults (ages 18 – 62) who have a diagnosis of severe mental illness (SMI) living in the community-based settings in Alameda County.
Contact: ACCESS Line 1.800.491.9100
ACBHD Contact: Kate Jones, ACBHD Division Director, Adult & Older System of Care | katherine.jones@acgov.org
Alameda STAGES is an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) program for older adults (ages 60+) who have a diagnosis of severe mental illness (SMI) living in the community-based settings in Alameda County.
Referral: ACCESS 1.800.491.9100
ACBHD Contact: Juliene Schrick, ACBHD Director of Older Adult Services | juliene.schrick@acgov.org
CSS – Outreach & Engagement/System Development (OESD) Programs
Mobile Integrated Assess
Provide services for homebound and/or isolated older adults who are experiencing difficulty accessing mental health services due to barriers associated with aging and mental health stigma. Work with First Responders and other community agencies to identify isolated older adults in need of mental health support.
City of Fremont
39155 Liberty St, Fremont, CA 94538-1513
ACBHD Contact: Juliene Schrick, ACBHD Director of Older Adult Services | juliene.schrick@acgov.org
Crisis Response Program for Tri-Valley & Tri-City
ACCESS services with clinical and peer staff dedicated to East County.
Crisis Response Program
Livermore Multi Service Center, 3300 Pacific Ave., Rm. 15, Livermore. CA 94550
Crisis Tel. 1-800-491-9099
ACBHD Contact: Stephanie Lewis, ACBHD Crisis Services System of Care Director | stephanie.lewis@acgov.org
Crisis Response for Tri-Cities
Family preservation strategy that serves chronic juvenile offenders with SED co-occurring with substance abuse and violent behavior.
Crisis Tel. 1-800-491-9099
ACBHD Contact: Stephanie Lewis, ACBHD Crisis Services System of Care Director | stephanie.lewis@acgov.org
Behavioral Health Court Advocacy Program
Team of mental health staff located at Alameda courtrooms to provide assessment, treatment and advocacy for defendants with SMI.
ACBHD Contact: Kate Jones, ACBHD Division Director, Adult & Older System of Care | katherine.jones@acgov.org
Juvenile Justice Transformation of the Guidance Clinic
Provides in-depth assessment and treatment for youth in the juvenile justice system. Creates linkages to community based services and on-site treatment in Juvenile Hall.
Guidance Clinic.
ACBHD Contact: Juan Taizan, ACBHD Juvenile Justice/CFS Health Services Director | Juan.Taizan@acgov.org
Multi-Systemic Therapy
Seneca collaborates with County Probation and Behavioral Health Care agencies to provide Multi-systemic Therapy (MST) to youth and their families. MST is an evidence-based practice that utilizes intensive, strengths-based therapy provided in the home or community of each client youth and family.
Seneca Center: www.senecafoa.org/jjprobation
ACBHD Contact: Laphonsa Gibbs, ACBHD Interim Director, Child & Young Adult System of Care | laphonsa.gibbs2@acgov.org
Crisis Stablization Services
The Willow Rock Crisis Stabilization Center provides voluntary crisis services for teens ages 12 to 17 who do not meet criteria for inpatient hospitalization. A centralized WIC 5151/5585 Receiving Center and Crisis Stabilization Unit ensures that youth with mental disorders in Alameda are not unnecessarily hospitalized and that they receive services in the least restrictive level of care to prevent long-term disability.
Seneca Center: senecafoa.org/crisis
Willow Rock Center: (510) 895-5502
ACBHD Contact: Stephanie Lewis, ACBHD Crisis Services System of Care Director | stephanie.lewis@acgov.org
Older Adult LGBT Peer Support
The Mental Health Peer Coach Program is designed to provide a Peer Coach to the mental health service team to support older adults with mental illness. The Peer Coaches will be trained and work under direction of the mental health clinician. The Peer Coach will serve individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender as a priority.
City of Fremont (www.fremont.gov) Ihande Weber | Iweber@fremont.gov
Pacific Center | pacificcenter.org
ACBHD Contact: Juliene Schrick, ACBHD Director of Older Adult Services | juliene.schrick@acgov.org
Co-Occurring Disorders Program
ATOD is a countywide training and technical assistance project to improve clinical skills on how to provide evidence-based tobacco dependence treatment consultation to ACBH staff regarding tobacco-free policies and helped to develop the new 2016 ACBH Tobacco Policies and Consumer Treatment Protocols.
ACBHD Contact: Clyde Lewis Jr., ACBHD Director of SUD Continuum of Care | clyde.lewis@acgov.org
Residential treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders
This program serves adult clients with co-occurring substance use and mental health diagnoses. Provides housing, medication assessment, evaluation, education, support and monitoring to individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders in alcohol and drug treatment settings throughout the county.
ACBHD Contact: Nathan Hobbs, Interim ACBHD Substance Use Disorder Administrator | Nathan.Hobbs@acgov.org
Individual Placement Services
Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services has embarked on a long-term plan to implement Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Supported Employment throughout our specialty mental health services. This evidence-based practice assists people with finding and maintaining competitive jobs in the community. Engagement, job development, placement support, and job follow-along supports are the core program elements of this approach.
ACBHD Vocational Program: www.acbhcs.org/vocational-program/
ACBHD Contact: Michael Castilla, ACBHD Director of Vocational Services | michael.castilla2@acgov.org
Schreiber Center
The Schreiber Center is a specialty mental health clinic developed in collaboration with Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services, the Regional Center of the East Bay, and Alameda County Public Health Department. The Center is dedicated to serving the mental health care needs of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our team of professionals specializes in supporting clients with complex behavioral, emotional, or psychiatric needs.
Schreiber Center: www.acphd.org/schreiber-center.aspx | (510) 891-5650
ACBHD Contact: Juliene Schrick, ACBHD Director of Older Adult Services | juliene.schrick@acgov.org
Behavioral Health – Primary Care Integration Project
Trust Health Center provides primary care including medical and behavioral health services, in collaboration with ACBH and Health Care for the Homeless. This program serves adults who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Alameda County, people with GA working with disability advocates, and others who are frequent users of multiples systems of care and/or high risk with multiple chronic physical and behavioral health conditions . Primary care services includes integrated medical and behavioral health services, provided by a multidisciplinary team. Walk-in appointments are available 8:30 am – 4 pm, Monday – Friday except for Tuesdays; Tuesday walk-in appointments are from 1 pm – 4 pm only.
LifeLong Medical Care: www.achch.org/trust-health-center.html
Trust Clinic Front Desk: 510.210.5050
ACBHD Contact: Freddie Smith, ACBHD Director of Primary Care Integration Project | freddie.smith@acgov.org
In-Home Outreach Team (IHOT)
IHOT is designed to serve individuals who have struggled for many years with serious mental illness, repeated hospitalizations, and interactions with law enforcement and are not connected with services. Consumers are referred to IHOT through the County Access phone line or are identified by the County as high utilizers of psychiatric emergency services.
For individuals not voluntarily engaging in services, IHOT was designed to provide:
- intensive outreach and engagement
- mental health screening
- in-home intervention
- family education
- support and linkage to treatment.
ACBHD Contact: Kate Jones, ACBHD Division Director, Adult & Older System of Care | katherine.jones@acgov.org
SAGE Case and Care Management Services
The supplemental security income (SSI) case & care management program provides case management services to consumers with serious mental illness (SMI) who are currently receiving SSI advocacy services.
Bay Area Community Services (BACS): www.bayareacs.org
ACBHD Contact: Janet Biblin, SSI Program Manager | Janet.Biblin@acgov.org
Older Adult Service Team
The Older Adult Service Team supports client recovery through a holistic and strength-based approach that considers the overall bio-psycho-social needs of older adult clients. The Older Adult Service Teams are multi-disciplinary and coordinate community-based services to provide individually customized mental health care for people experiencing frequent setbacks or persistent challenges to their recovery.
Referral: ACCESS 1.800.491.9100
ACBHD Contact: Juliene Schrick, ACBHD Director of Older Adult Services | juliene.schrick@acgov.org