Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) services embrace a preventative approach that engages individuals before the development of mental illness, as well as providing services to intervene early to reduce negative mental health symptoms so as to reduce prolonged suffering.
1 in 4
Americans lives with a diagnosable mental illness
Fear of judgment, discrimination, and isolation prevents many people with mental illness from asking for help. Deeply engrained beliefs and negative attitudes about mental illness are called stigma.
Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) programs are a component of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) that provide:
- Outreach to families, employers, primary care health providers, and others to recognize the early signs of potentially severe and disabling mental illness. The goal is to catch mental health issues in their earliest stages to prevent long-term suffering.
- Access and linkage to medically necessary care as early in the onset of these conditions as possible.
- Reduce stigma and discrimination associated with seeking mental health services and reduce discrimination against people living with a mental health challenge.
- Promote wellness, foster health, and prevent the suffering that can result from untreated mental illness.
Local Programs
The following programs were developed through the PEI Community Planning Process. Each of these programs has been approved by the Ongoing Planning Council, the local stakeholder group responsible for Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Planning, and by the MHSA Oversight and Accountability Commission.
Plan Requirements
The PEI Community Planning Process required local stakeholders to recognize the following parameters for this funding stream:
- All ages must be served;
- At least 51% of the funds must serve children and youth ages 0-25 years;
- Disparities in access to services for underserved ethnic communities must be addressed;
- All regions of the county must have access to services;
- Early intervention should generally be low-intensity and short duration;
- Early intervention may be somewhat higher in intensity and longer in duration for individuals experiencing first onset of psychosis associated with serious mental illness.
(*) Indicates program focus on serving the African American community
Alameda County Behavioral Health, Healthy Schools & Communities
Outreach, on-site mental health consultation, screening, and evaluation at elementary, middle, and high schools.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Various TK-12 school sites across Alameda County
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Spanish – Interpretation services/supports as needed.
Kate Graves, kate.graves@acgov.org
(510) 667-7990
1000 San Leandro, Suite 300, San Leandro
Beat, Rhymes, and Life (BRL)*
Beats Rhymes and Life is a leader in the emerging field of Hip Hop Therapy. BRL is committed to eliminating health disparities by partnering with youth and young adults to make mental health services more accessible and useful to diverse populations. BRL also provides training and technical assistance to youth-serving individuals, organizations, and systems that want to ensure that all youth have access to quality and culturally relevant therapeutic care.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Youth and TAY, with focus on the African American community
Earl Skinner, earl@brl-inc.org
450 Santa Clara Ave, Oakland
Mental Health Peer Coach (City of Fremont)
The City of Fremont Peer Coach program supports older adults in their ability to help other older adults. Peers identify with their lived experiences and partner with others over 60 years old to feel emotionally well. Peers have language, culture, gender, work, family, and recreational experiences that they bring to the program. We have a Celebrating Diversity group where peers and allies meet to build community.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Seniors
Ihande Weber
(510) 574-2041
3300 Capitol Avenue Bldg B., P.O. Box 5006, Fremont, CA 94537-5006
Pacific Center
Peer Support Program—LGBTQ Services
The Peer Support Group program seeks to provide prevention and early intervention supports to transitional age youth, adults, and older adults through peer facilitated support groups for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and/or two-spirit (LGBTQQI2-S) communities. We also provide connection to other mental health and community resources.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): TAY, adults, and older adults, with focus on the LGBTQ+ population
Current Peer Groups: https://www.pacificcenter.org/current-peer-groups
2130 Center Street, Berkeley, CA 94705
Pacific Center
Training Program
The Pacific Center provides culturally responsive services which includes engaging and training potential responders and the general population to recognize and respond effectively to early signs of severe and disabling mental illness by reducing stigma and discrimination related to mental health issues. We provide services in an environment of inclusion and acceptance, with a focus on training agencies and organizations to respond to the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): LGBTQ+ population
2130 Center Street, Berkeley, CA 94705
Pacific Center
Youth Programs—LGBTQ Services
Pacific Center Youth Program provides support groups and drop-in hours for queer & questioning youth and their families. Our current groups are LOUD (ages 12-18), Trans Tween (9-13), Parents and Caregivers of Gender Non-Conforming Youth support group for adults, and our Youth Drop-In Hours. LOUD meets weekly online (Tuesdays) and monthly in-person (Saturdays), while Trans Tween and the Parent/Caregiver group meet bi-weekly on Saturdays. Youth Drop-in Hours are on Wednesday. Our support groups are led by trained adult mentors.
Ages/Populations Served: Youth/TAY, with focus on the LGBTQ+ population
2130 Center Street, Berkeley, CA 94705
REACH Ashland Youth Center, Health & Wellness Program (Alameda County Behavioral Health)
The Health & Wellness Program offers a wide variety of support services to REACH members. Services include short-term preventative counseling, case management, referrals to community agencies, and collaboration with REACH partners, schools, and other community organizations.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Youth ages 11-24
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Spanish
Alma Rosas, LMFT, Health & Wellness Clinical Supervisor
16335 E 14th St, San Leandro, CA 94578
Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth (RJOY)*
RJOY interrupts cycles of violence and incarceration by promoting RJ practices and policies in schools, communities, and the juvenile justice system. RJOY is a national thought leader, pioneering race-conscious restorative justice (RJ).
In addition to weekly Healing Circles centering voices and people of African Descent, RJOY offers restorative justice training workshops and technical assistance to communities, schools, and justice groups in California and throughout the nation.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Youth and TAY, with focus on the African American community
Jackie Harrison, jackie@rjoyoakland.org
Jodie Geddes, jodie@rjoyoakland.org
Kelly Thompson, kelly@rjoyoakland.org
1733 Broadway, Oakland CA
Sobrante Park (ROOTS Community Health Center)*
Roots is committed to building protective factors & resiliency and reducing the risk factors for developing a potentially serious mental illness for Sobrante Park residents. Our services are designed and will be implemented to help reduce the stigma of—and create timely access and linkage to—mental health treatment. The modalities implemented in this program are service navigation, neighborhood beautification, time-banking and career exploration.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): African American and Latino families and individuals who live in Sobrante Park neighborhood of Oakland
Sobrante Park Roots Mobile Unit, 580 105th Avenue (105th & Edes), (510) 777-1177
Early Intervention
(*) Indicates program focus on serving the African American community
A Better Way
Early Childhood Prevention and Early Intervention Program
A Better Way’s PEI program is designed to provide early intervention support services to children and families in Alameda County through brief assessment and referrals, connection to local resources, mental health consultation, education, and training for families and community partners that interact with the early childhood system. Families in this program will work with a Mental Health Specialist and Family Partner who will assess family-centered goals, screen children for developmental and mental health challenges, and refer and connect families to needed resources.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Children 0-8 years old and their caregivers, Alameda County Residents
A Better Way Intake Line: 510-433-8600
PEI Intake Email: peiintake@abetterwayinc.net
426 17th St., Oakland, CA 94612
Geriatric Assessment and Response Team (Alameda County Behavioral Health)
GART provides brief voluntary behavioral health care services including intensive case management and linkage and coordination of care to older adults ages 55 and above with the aim of resolving immediate behavioral health needs and barriers to care.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Age 55 or over
Thema Page, Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention Specialist Supervisor
Program Contact information: GartOD@acgov.org | (510) 891-5600
Horizon Services
La Familia Caminos Program (UIY)
The Caminos program provides linguistically appropriate and culturally sensitive mental health services and interventions for youth who immigrated to the United States without the accompaniment of a parent and Children of migrant families. We specialize in trauma-focused and family-oriented treatment to Unaccompanied Immigrant Youth families. We have four Clinicians and four Case Managers who serve as a mobile unit providing services at schools and in the community throughout Alameda County.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Unaccompanied Immigrant Youth, Children of Migrant Families, and their caregivers
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Spanish
Elizabeth Ventura, Program Supervisor
(510) 935-6149
24301 Southland Drive, Suite 207, Hayward, CA 94545
Side by Side, Our Space
Our Space is a vibrant safe space for LGBTQIA+ youth ages 12-24 in Alameda County. Our Space provides much-needed safe harbor where LGBTQIA+ youth can express their authentic selves and feel seen, accepted, and celebrated. We provide case management services to LGBTQ youth around SOGIE, Life Skills, Advocacy, Family Support, FREE Mental Health Support, and Substance Use Support.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): 12-24 Youth and TAY, with focus on the LGBTQIA+ Community
22245 Main St. Hayward CA
Youth Uprising (YU)
Our mission is to transform East Oakland into a healthy and economically robust community by developing the leadership of youth and young adults and improving the systems that impact them.
YU is a neighborhood hub offering young people services and programs to increase physical and mental wellbeing, community connection, educational attainment, and career achievement among youth members.
Youth Uprising’s Health and Wellness programs provide holistic accessible care in a community setting. Primary health and mental health services are offered onsite.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): 13-24 Years of Age, Alameda County and Deep East Oakland
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Spanish
A’Sharee Brown, Abrown@youthuprising.org; Quiana Canada, Qcanada@youthuprising.org
8711 MacArthur Blvd. Oakland, CA 94605
Outreach Programs
(*) Indicates program focus on serving the African American community
African American Family Outreach Project (Mental Health Association of Alameda County)*
Provides mutual support to family/caregivers of people living with mental illness through a monthly support group, educational workshops, a warm line, and case management services.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Focus on African American families
Primary contacts: Alicia Wilson, alicia@mhaac.org | Robert Hubbard, rhubbard@mhaac.org
mail@mhaac.org | (510) 835-5010
2855 Telegraph Ave, Suite 501, Berkeley, CA 94705
Alameda County Public Health Department — Blue Skies Mental Wellness Team
Blue Skies Mental Wellness Program provides community-based mental health services to prenatal mothers and children under 2 enrolled in Starting Out Strong Programs in Alameda County. The focus is on early intervention and prevention through therapeutic services, clinical case management, and family support, specializing in postpartum depression, anxiety, trauma, and parent-infant bonding. Prenatal mental health groups are free to Alameda County residents and open to pregnant mothers and parents with babies under two years old.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): The Blue Skies Mental Wellness Program provides comprehensive mental health services for prenatal mothers and children ages 0-2 in Alameda County. Our trauma-informed approach focuses on prevention and early intervention, addressing postpartum depression, anxiety, and parent-infant bonding through clinical case management and family-centered mental health support.
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Spanish
Tameko Jones, LCSW Program Supervisor
(510) 618- 2083
1100 San Leandro Blvd. San Leandro, CA 94577
Alameda Family Services
School-Based Health Centers in City of Alameda
The School-Based Health Centers focus on prevention and early identification of risk factors and aims to increase access to learning and support for families and our community.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Health and Wellness Centers located at Alameda, Encinal, & Island High Schools.
Kyle Sinkoff, Division Director
2325 Clement Avenue, Suite A Alameda, CA 94501
Black Men Speak*
To inform and enlighten the mental health community and the general public about issues concerning African American males and Men of Color with mental health and substance abuse challenges through a speakers bureau.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Men and Women of color of all ages
80 Swan Way, #102, Oakland, CA 94621
Crisis Support Services of Alameda County (CSS)
The mission of CSS is to prevent suicide through education, crisis Hotline and Textline services, and therapeutic services focused on high-risk populations. Community education presentations are available in English and Spanish and include specific content for youth, educators, caregivers, and providers. Therapeutic services focus on traumatic loss.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): All ages
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Textline and Therapeutic services available in English, Community Education available in English and Spanish, Hotline services available in all languages through an interpretation line.
Narges Dillon
6117 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Oakland, CA 94609
Downtown TAY, 10×10 Wellness of Alameda County, Health Through Art, Black Women’s Media Project (Health & Human Resource Education Center, HHREC)
HHREC blends health, art, media, and local community voices to create a community-based prevention and early intervention strategy that addresses collective physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): TAY, Adults, Elders
Talia Benet, Executive Director
Phone: (510) 834 – 5990 | Fax: (510) 835 – 0558
1905 San Pablo Ave, Oakland, CA 94612
East Bay Agency for Children — Fremont Healthy Start
The Family Resource Specialists in this multilingual and multicultural program help local families access the support services available to them so their children and families can thrive.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Families, Parents, Caregivers, Youth, Children
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Cantonese, Farsi, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, Dari, Hindi, Pashto, Punjabi, Urdu, Chinese simplified and traditional written.
Giselle Pineda, Giselle@ebac.org
43030 Newport Dr, Fremont, CA 94538 (the portables to the right)
Jewish Family and Community Services—East Bay Children Youth and Families Program
Our preschool consultation services bring our early childhood development experts into several preschools in Oakland to provide collaborative and reflective support to teachers and families on child development, psychosocial needs of young children, impact of childhood trauma and supportive classroom structure. Our consultation program is trauma-informed, culturally affirming, and focuses on under-resourced preschools in Oakland.
Many of the children we serve have been exposed to various forms of trauma including racialized and systemic trauma impacting access to basic resources for their families and creating inequities in access to health and wellbeing across domains. This can impact brain development and may lead to emotional, behavioral and learning challenges in school.
We help support teachers to understand needs of children they serve and help them to create supportive classroom milieu and structures. If a child needs additional support, our Early Childhood Mental Health Specialists and Consultants can provide consultation and some direct services. These services may include family consultation, teacher consultation, linkage to assessment, and recommendations to families and school in what resources might be beneficial for the child.
Our staff also advises principals, program directors, and administrators on issues related to program development, team dynamics, professional development needs of staff related to early childhood development, communication, and classroom set-up.
Overall, our consultation program provides preschools with an in-depth understanding of early childhood development in order to best serve the children in their care and serves as prevention and early intervention program.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): 0-8. Individual therapy. Dyadic therapy. Family Therapy. Trauma-informed care. Specialty MH services.
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): All-language access available via interpretation services. In addition, our Children Youth and Families Program staff speak Spanish, Mandarin, French, Hebrew, Russian and Farsi.
Violetta Babich, LMFT Clinical Manager
2484 Shattuck Av. Suite 210 Berkeley CA 94704
Pacific Center
Older & Out – LGBTQ Services
The Older & Out program offers free support groups for LGBTQIA+ adults over the age of 55 over 8-weeks. Pacific Center partners with senior centers around Alameda County, as well as the Oakland LGBTQ Center, to provide various Older & Out service locations. Groups are facilitated by trained facilitators and topics may include: loss of friends, aging, invisibility in the LGBTQIA+ community, loneliness, and resilience.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Older Adults, with focus on the LGBTQ+ population
2130 Center Street, Berkeley, CA 94705
Stigma & Discrimination Reduction Campaign
(*) Indicates program focus on serving the African American community
Everyone Counts Campaign (Peers Envisioning & Engaging in Recovery Services, PEERS)
Outreach, education, training, consumer empowerment, and local media projects to reduce stigma associated with mental illness.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Peers/Consumers; General Public
Jennifer Vanaman, Executive Director
8393 Capwell Street, Suite 240, Oakland, CA 94621
(510) 832-7337
PEERS African American Mental Wellness and Spirituality Campaign*
Our African American Mental Wellness and Spirituality Campaign, Hope & Faith, is focused on mental health and wellness awareness, conducted in partnership with local faith communities.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): All
Bre Williams
8393 Capwell Street, Suite 240, Oakland, CA 94621
(510) 832-7337
Tri Cities Community Development Center*
Mental Health Friendly Congregation: Is a comprehensive, systematic, field-tested program design that includes a set of specific strategies for the development of an effective partnership between the African American faith-based and spiritual communities.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): All
Pastor Horatio Jones, President/CE
hsj@fbfministries.org, (510) 505-1735
Main Office (510) 790-9092
37620 Filbert Street, Newark, CA 94560
Suicide Prevention
(*) Indicates program focus on serving the African American community
Crisis Support Services of Alameda County
Seeks to reduce the incidence of suicide among high-risk groups through school-based suicide prevention workshops, trauma specific counseling and the use of trauma informed care principles.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): General Public
Mercedes Coleman; mcoleman@crisissupport.org
(510) 420-2473
P.O. Box 3120, Oakland, California 94609
Outreach, Education & Consultation for Ethnic & Language Populations Programs (Underserved Ethnic and Language Population, UELP)
View our UELP Program Impact Model (pdf)
(*) Indicates program focus on serving the African American community
Afghan Coalition
Afghan Wellness Center – South County
Empowering refugee families, women and youth, both locally and in Afghanistan to build bridges between the United States and Afghanistan.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Afghan
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Farsi, Dari, Pashto, Urdu
Nasrin Shinwari, nasrin@afghancoalition.org
(510) 745-1680
39155 Liberty Street D-460, Fremont, CA, 94538
African Communities Program (Partnerships for Trauma Recovery)
To address the psychosocial impacts of trauma among international survivors of human rights abuses through culturally aware, trauma-informed, and linguistically accessible mental health care, outreach, professional training, and policy advocacy
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): African immigrants in the Bay area including but not limited to Eritrean, Ethiopian, Rwandan, Kenyan, Congolese, South Sudan, Nigerian, Ivory Coast, Mali, and others as requested.
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Tigrinya, Amharic, Arabic, and French. In addition to those stated languages, we will arrange translators/interpreters as needed.
Tizita Tekletsadik, ttekletsadik@traumapartners.org
(510) 473-8826
2526 Martin Luther King Jr Way. Berkeley, CA 94704
ARISE, Services for the Asian community – South County (now Bay Area Community Health, formerly Tri City Health Center)
ARISE: Asian Wellness Project is a Mental Health Prevention and Early Intervention program that aims to promote emotional and mental well-being through education and consultation. We provide FREE workshops, individual preventative counseling, support groups, and community events for youth, adults, and families of the East Asian Community in South Alameda County. We also assist with connecting participants to care.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Mongolia
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean
Chris Chang, schang1@bach.health
Main Phone: (510) 456-3506 | BH Appt Phone: (510) 456-4389
1999 Mowry Ave, Suite N
Asian Health Services Prevention Program
Your emotional wellness matters to us. The Asian Health Services Prevention Program serves East Asian language community residents in Alameda County seeking mental health support. Services include community outreach, workshops, individual and community consultations, preventative counseling, and support groups. All services are free. Our services are supported by the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Alameda County Behavioral Health.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Children, Youth/TAY (Transitional Age Youth), and Senior immigrants across generations in the East Language-speaking community.
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, and Japanese
Yee Wan (Ingrid) Chung, LPCC, Ichung@ahschc.org
310 8th Street, Suite 210, Oakland, CA 94607
Center for Empowering Refugees and Immigrants (CERI)
CERI offers a comprehensive range of culturally tailored multilingual services designed to address the mental health and well-being of refugee and immigrant communities with diverse and multifaceted needs. CERI integrates traditional services, including mental health counseling, care coordination, and medication management, with culturally and spiritually tailored intervention approaches. CERI strengthens community connections by offering support groups, wellness activities, and ethnic and cultural celebrations that honor the unique traditions of its members often delivered in their primary languages. CERI also empowers individuals to engage in social and political advocacy by creating spaces for belonging and resilience, fostering personal growth and collective empowerment.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): All ages (children, youths, adults, older adults, family, and couples); Southeast Asians (Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao, Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia), and a small percentage of other Asians (Indonesia)
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Khmer, Vietnamese, Burmese, Indonesian, Thai, Mien
Sangita Gautam, sangita.gautam@cerieastbay.org
554 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA 94610
Diversity in Health Training Institute (DHTI) — Sidra Community Wellness
The Sidra Project is designed to provide culturally sensitive prevention and early intervention mental health services and increase access to mental health services for Middle Eastern and North African communities in Alameda County.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) communities in Alameda County. This includes, but is not limited to, individuals from Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Turkey, Qatar, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Syria, Kuwait, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, and/or Sudan. We may also serve individuals from Afghanistan, Armenia, Pakistan, and Somalia that don’t naturally fall under the MENA region due to cultural, linguistic, or historical ties.
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Arabic, Farsi, Dari
Alex Gomez, Program Manager
310 8th Street, Suite 303, Oakland, CA 94607
Filipino Community Health & Wellness (Filipino Advocates for Justice)
Ensures that the Filipino community, particularly youth and young adults, caregivers, and immigrants in central and southern Alameda County have access to psycho-social and case management support to serve their needs as well as ensure additional culturally and linguistically sensitive preventative counseling and mental health referral support services.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Filipino
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Tagalog
Chris Cara, Program Director
(510) 465-9876 or (510) 487-8552
310 8th St # 309, Oakland, CA 94607
3961 Horner St. Union City, CA 94587
International Rescue Committee — Afghan Path Towards Wellness – North County
Our programs are designed to ensure refugees thrive in America. The IRC helps those in need to rebuild their lives and regain control of their future in their new home community.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Afghan
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Farsi, Dari, Pashto
Melany Puente, Melany.Puente@Rescue.org
440 Grand Avenue, Suite 500, Oakland, CA 94610, (510) 239-9689
Korean Community Center of the East Bay Asian Community Wellness Program – North County
KCCEB’s mission is to empower immigrants in the Bay Area through access to education, services, resources, and advocacy. We help individuals get needed resources at critical moments in their lives and offer opportunities to empower themselves, their families, and community for health and wellness.
Our Asian Community Wellness Program (ACWP) provides mental health wellness outreach, awareness, education, consultation, stigma reduction, counseling services, and case management support. In addition, ACWP
provides culturally responsive and trauma-informed services and access to community resources without
insurance requirements.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): All ages (children, youth, adults, older adults, family, and couples); East Asians (Chinese, Mongolian, Korean, Japanese), and a small percentage of other Asian and Pacific Islanders (API)
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Khmer
Pysay Phinith, LCSW
Phone: (510) 210 – 5314 | Fax: (510) 547 – 3258 | 844-828-2662 (Bay Area InfoLine)
101 Callan Ave, Suite 400, San Leandro CA, 94577
La Clinica — Cultura y Bienestar
Cultura y Bienestar, is a mental health prevention and early intervention program focused on promoting wellness and building individual and community resiliency to more effectively prevent and manage mental health challenges among Latinx and Indigenous residents of Alameda County. Our program provides a range of culturally and linguistically appropriate and relevant services including individual psychoeducational sessions, support groups, workshops, outreach, and traditional healing practices and events. Our partnerships with La Familia Counseling Inc, and Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center allow us to be present in 4 different sites in Oakland, Hayward, Union City, and Livermore.
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Latinx and Indigenous. All Ages
Languages Served (other than English): Spanish and Maya-Mam
Alberto Perez Rendon, Program Manager
(510) 535-8400
1415 Fruitvale Ave, Oakland, CA 94601
Native American Prevention Center (Native American Health Center)
Provides comprehensive services to improve the health and well-being of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and residents of the surrounding communities, with respect for cultural and linguistic differences.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Native Americans
Crystal Salas, crystals@nativehealth.org
510 534-5421
3124 International Blvd. Oakland
Pacific Islander Wellness Initiative (Richmond Area Multi-Service or RAMS)
RAMS established the Pacific Islander Wellness Initiative (PIWI), to offer culturally responsive prevention and early intervention mental health services for Pacific Islanders. Services include group and individual therapy, cultural-based workshops, case management, community events, and more.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): All Pacific Islanders
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Samoan, Tongan
Mory Chhom, morychhom@ramsinc.org
(628) 219-6690
22712 Foothill Blvd, Hayward, CA 94541
South Asian Community Health Promotion Services – Countywide (Portia Bell Hume Center)
A comprehensive program specifically to serve the South Asian Community. This program offers community programs and services that are uniquely and best suited for our consumers whether that is an individual, family, community, or organization.
Ages/Populations Served, Focus Area(s): Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan, Maldives
Language(s) in Which Services are Provided (other than English): Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Marathi, and Dari
Preet K. Sabharwal, southasianprogram@humecenter.org
(510) 745-9151 x 724
39420 Liberty Street, Suite 252, Fremont, CA 94538
Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 340, Pleasanton, CA 94588
Additional Information
For more information about PEI in Alameda County, please:
- Refer to the most recent FY2020-2023 MHSA Three Year Plan – PEI Plan submitted to the state; or
- Contact Kelly Robinson at Kelly.robinson@acgov.org or (510) 567-8100.