Sabrina Catherine Abong is a 27 year-old foster youth activist. She takes part in the Youth Advisory Board of Oakland. Sabrina has had several articles published including mental health, resilience, role models, and more. She is a former foster youth, a single mother, and a homeowner. Sabrina’s goal is to be a social activist and transform the foster care system for future foster youth and try to bring more awareness and prevention towards the human trafficking system.

At the age of 18, Sabrina was diagnosed with mood swings and bipolar disorder. While on medication she experienced feeling lethargic, low on energy, and lack of motivation to complete work. She went to therapy and was put on different medications to help with her mental health issues. The medication was able to aid in improving her lifestyle and helped her succeed as an adult.

The medication was also successful because Sabrina didn’t let the diagnosis stop her or stigmas getting in the way of getting the help that she needed. This experience has shown Sabrina that she is a strong woman who has broken generational cycles and traumas within her family.